Our Uniform
School wear
The school believe that it is essential that children attend school dressed smartly, below is a copy of the school uniform policy.
+ White t-shirt
+ Grey trousers/skirt/skort
+ All black footwear
+ Red jumper or cardigan
+ Gingham dresses
+ Long hair tied back and no extreme hair styles
+ No earrings of any sort
+ School reading book is to be brought to school daily and as such is seen as uniform
PE Kit
+ Plain white
+ black/navy shorts
+ suitable PE shoes
+ a plain jogging top and trousers are allowed during cold periods
All the items above can be non branded. If you would like to order some branded school uniform, please click the following link: Uniform order
If you have any difficulties, please contact the Main Office for sizes and prices.
Y6 Leavers' Hoodie
Our Year 6 children are getting a hoodie in school's colours and the school's badge that is in line with our uniform policy. It has the graphic with names and year at the back. It is always a special moment when they wear them for the first time.